Why do so many restaurant-focused media companies continue to write hit pieces on ghost kitchen operators and virtual brands? I don’t get it. Some of the targets of these articles are companies in rapid-growth-mode, so they have made some mistakes trying to keep up with demand. In most cases those companies are working to fix their mistakes. Maybe I’m just tired of the snarky, sarcastic comments from journalists sitting on the sidelines pretending they are experts, but who have never done anything worth noting. I love the innovation, risk-taking, and creativity found in the ghost kitchen & virtual restaurant space. Keep it up and best of luck!
Anyway…in addition to the International Ghost Kitchen Conference (being held March 1-3, 2023 in Amsterdam!), we hope we can soon announce dates for additional U.S. ghost kitchen events this year and our big annual conference in 2023. Stay tuned!
And now, the news…